Why I'm Proud to be American | Teen Ink

Why I'm Proud to be American

November 7, 2014
By Phillycheesefan BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
Phillycheesefan BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
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There are many things that make me proud to be an American but theres only room for one at the top. The number one reason I’m proud to be American is because of our military, they're all heroes. They let us enjoy our freedom that so many other countries don’t have. They have the courage to fight when others do not. Ever since I can remember i've always thought extremely high of our soldiers and always looked up to them. I remember at a military museum in Washington, D.C where I read about a soldier named Edward Bennett. He was in World War two in Germany when his company was pinned down by machinegun fire and he crawled the edge of the field and stormed in a house with his knife and pistol and saved his company. It's men and women like this who make America what it is. 

On my brother’s graduation from BCT ( Basic Combat Training) we were all so proud of him that he now was an american soldier. On the ride back we talked, laughed and listed to country music and I caught him up on all the new songs that came out when he was gone and we sang to the ones we new. That day was the day I could have not been more proud to be an american. There we were listening to great american music, eating juicy burgers and sweet chocolate shakes. Knowing that where safe and everyone else from coast to coast cause where a country that's protected by a strong military 24/7. Theres nothing more American than fighting for America from the revolutionary war to the war on terror. All the men and women who have served this country is why im proud to call my self American.

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