Silver Lining | Teen Ink

Silver Lining

January 7, 2009
By Alex9193 GOLD, Shoemakersville, Pennsylvania
Alex9193 GOLD, Shoemakersville, Pennsylvania
10 articles 1 photo 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
"Live you life for it goes by fast" me

We are all unique and different in our own little special way. I believe individuality and uniqueness is the most important trait that human beings possess. Even in books the main character or hero is most often liked because of their break with society’s norms. They venture out into the world to find their own opinions and experiences. No one on this planet has ever had the exact same experiences, the exact same failures, and the exact same victories. This idea consequently makes everyone unique because no one is the exact same as the person half way across the globe. Yes, we may be similar but we are not exactly the same, making us all different from one another. The difference between the hero and the average character in a book is that the hero will embrace those different opinions and experiences and learn to become an individual, while the average character will cast those unique opinions aside and become just another mindless zombie following the crowd.
Being unique or different is a lot of times frowned upon in our society and I have always asked why people look at you funny when you act different ever since I was a little girl. People point, laugh, and stare at individuals that are different. Look at what he’s wearing, I can’t believe she’s doing that, or that is the weirdest thing I have ever seen, are phrases people say to describe people that are different. I would much rather be the little silver line that is different between the masses of clouds than a mindless zombie following the horde. Because I have embraced my differences and opinions I have become a more successful, caring, and joyful human being. Embracing my differences has made me the main character or hero of my own story and has let me meet other people that are the heroes of their own stories. I have noticed in life that acting different from most people tends to bring smiles and laughter. Being part of a mindless society tends to bring a boring and monotone attitude to life.
So I stand up as the silver line or hero of my own story. I stand up and shout “I am me and whether you like it or not, I do not care. I do not care if you point and laugh for I will bring a smile to someone’s face. I do not care for I will be the hero that slays the dragon and lives happily ever after of my own story. I do not care for I will write the ending of my own story because I have grown to love the differences between you and me. I am the little silver line that shines through all the clouds in the sky.”


This article has 4 comments.

on Nov. 8 2015 at 2:41 pm
Dodger1234 BRONZE, Plaquemine, LA, Louisiana
2 articles 0 photos 3 comments
“We are all unique and different in our own little special way” is one of the best lines throughout the whole story. Nobody is the same and everyone is meant for something different.

Storm3 BRONZE said...
on Jul. 14 2015 at 11:02 am
Storm3 BRONZE, Missoula, Montana
4 articles 5 photos 6 comments

Favorite Quote:
In a society that worships love, freedom, and beauty dance is sacred. It's a prayer for the future, a remembrance of the past and a joyful exclamation of thanks for the present.

This is a great piece. Finding our own individuality is something almost everyone struggles with. To me this piece encourages and defends everyone who does. The last line really brings it together, I liked it very much.

Alex9193 GOLD said...
on Apr. 24 2015 at 4:23 am
Alex9193 GOLD, Shoemakersville, Pennsylvania
10 articles 1 photo 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
"Live you life for it goes by fast" me

Thank you so much :)

on May. 25 2011 at 6:26 pm
Kelly-In-Wonderland GOLD, Westfield, New Jersey
12 articles 0 photos 43 comments


Seriously, this is by far the most impressive, thought-provoking writing I've witnessed on this entire site. (I haven't been on that long, but I've been reading a lot in this section)

Everyone in the world can relate to this amazing article, especially me! OMG I have to read everything by you now!!!