Gang or Die | Teen Ink

Gang or Die

April 27, 2015
By Rachel Weyenberg BRONZE, Duluth, Minnesota
Rachel Weyenberg BRONZE, Duluth, Minnesota
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Imagine a world dominated by gangs. Imagine neighborhoods where violence is exposed everywhere and peace nowhere. Imagine learning to protect yourself anywhere and everywhere; because if you don’t, you’re gone.
This last summer I had the opportunity to go on a mission trip to Little Haiti, in Miami, Florida. While I was there, a few of the guys I grew close with opened up to me and shared with me what their home life was like. They told me that there isn’t a time when they feel completely safe in their school, home or community. It isn’t unusual for them to see one of their neighbors get stolen from. It isn’t uncommon to hear gun shots echo throughout their neighborhood. Though it seemed impossible sometimes, they each had to hold their own. I asked them if they each had guns pressed to their head- the answer was yes. I asked if they have had to run for their lives- they said yes. I asked if they knew someone who passed away from one of these gangs- they again, said yes.

Gang violence isn’t something that will be easy to stop or change overnight. However, I strongly believe that if gang violence isn’t put out there soon, our world could be controlled by gangs. My heart sunk when I heard my friends’ stories in Little Haiti. I knew nothing about gang violence until that time, and I think it’s extremely important for others to know about it. I think kids need to see that there is hope for the future, and that they don’t need to be complacent with their lifestyles. We can make a change. Kids need to realize that they are strong and can change their own world by just believing in themselves.

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