Can Society Function Without Lies? | Teen Ink

Can Society Function Without Lies?

May 13, 2015
By AndyWong BRONZE, Parkland, Florida
AndyWong BRONZE, Parkland, Florida
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Can society function without lies? Lying has been criticized for being an evil deed since the beginning of mankind. Thieves and bandits in the past has used deception as their primary tactic in order to inflict harm or steal from others. Through lies, the wealthy gains more power while the poor is left with only despair and suffering. Lies continue to plague the minds of humans, and it is part of human nature itself. However, are lies truly malicious towards society? Today, everything is based on lies. Governments lie to their people and people lie to each other all the time. However, some of these lies are required to run society and promote the welfare of the people. With lies, social order can be enacted by the government and prevent a massive panic that may occur if an event seems too insane for the human mind to process. Let’s say the world was going to explode in a year and the government told its citizens that information. There will inevitable be riots in every city, stores will be ransacked, and houses will burn to the ground as reaper looms over the souls of the earth who are waiting for their impending doom. By telling a lie, chaos can be prevented, society can function normally and people can be happy until the world’s end. Now that you see the necessity of lies, what would you choose: a world of ignorance or a world of despair?

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