Why Flying and Electric Cars Are Better Than Gas Cars | Teen Ink

Why Flying and Electric Cars Are Better Than Gas Cars

May 26, 2015
By Anonymous

These past few years people have asked will there ever be flying and electric cars and the answer is now yes. Just a few years ago car companies have been moving in the direction of electric cars. There are even new companies that are making flying cars that are street legal and can fly. it would be able to change with the press of a button. The question is, would it be better for the future and should more people start buying these cars?

People should buy electric cars because in different places in the world there is pollution that causes a problem for the world and the gas cars are one of the things that cause this. The cars we have now are giving off a lot of pollution but electric cars reduce emissions and air pollution which is better for everything. Electric cars are also better because we won’t need gas so we won’t be destroying the sea creatures homes by spilling oil in the ocean. It also hurts the air we breath.

People might think these cars are very expensive and can’t travel as long but they are actually about the same price as normal cars today it just depends on what model it is but because it is electric doesn’t makes it very expensive. On average most cars can travel about 100 miles until you need to charge it again. Some of these cars also have the abillity to switch between electric and gas so if the battery dies in traffic you can get gas and it would still be able to drive. Electric stations where you can charge your car are also be built in different places.

In 2017 a new company is going to be releasing flying cars. The car will be the normal but a lot longer. The wings of the plane are on the side of the car and when the driver presses the button the wings will come out and will have everything it needs to take off into the air. It has everything a car needs and a plane needs in one. What some people might be wondering is what will happen if everyone starts driving these and how will all these planes be able to be safe in the air and not crash into each other. At this point they have not been released so they have not thought of an idea for what to do. They also have no idea how many people will actually buy these cars and planes. The population of the world is increasing and there are lots are cars so having flying cars will open and spread things out that could help a lot.

Although electric cars should be used in the future some people think they are not good because they have concerns about what will happen when it dies and where they would be able to charge. Other people also have concerns about flying cars because what will happen when lots of people fly. They say without safty percontions lots of people will get into accidents in the air but, if lots of people were to start flying the government or another group would make laws and more rules for flying like they do for cars on streets. This would be a huge change in the world but it would be for the better.

These new cars can really help the world step in the right direction. The electric and flying cars offer great opportunity for the world as new and better things are invented, but some of these things can really hurt the environment. We can’t say we will worry about these problems then because when that happens it will be too late so people need to take action now.


livinggreenmag.com/2013/08/28green-buisness/ how-hybrid-cars-help-the-envirnment/




www.saurage research.com/10-facrs-may-know-electric-cars/

www.dailymail.co.uk/acienctech/article-2784298/finaly -The-flying-car-coming-really-soon-road-sky-near-you-html



The author's comments:

it is something that think should change strongly

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