Flag Essay | Teen Ink

Flag Essay

November 5, 2015
By 6jones GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
6jones GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
10 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Everyday we see the majestic red, white, and blue flowing in the wind. Some people are  reminded of those who died for our country, some see it as a threat to their own country and some see it as a poster child for good old American grit. For me, I see a symbol of freedom, a security blanket, and a friend telling me I can act and think what I want without fear.

There are a myriad of countries who punish and kill people for saying what they think. I am proud to say I live in America where our flag, a flailing piece of fabric on a metal rod, stands for the freedom of religion, speech, and to chase your dreams.

Thousands of ideas, companies, and products have been created because Americans had the flag, knew what it stood for and pursued their dream. Amazon, the largest online shopping website, was created in a garage by two people who knew if they had a great idea, the possibilities were endless. Now, the company is worth over $250 billion.

There are over 300,000 churches or places of worship in the United states, allowing people of all religions to worship without the fear of being prosecuted. Countries like China, Iran, and North Korea only allow certain religions, and if a citizen is found worshiping an illegal one, they could be put in jail or killed. But in  America, our star spangled banner is seen as a 239 year old friend, one who allows us to worship who we want to worship with no judgment..

Imagine living a country that suppresses beliefs, actions, and potential. For how cruel that sounds, there are many countries that do just that. I thank the good Lord I look up at that Star Spangled Banner and know I how fortunate I am to truly be free.

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