My Flag Meaning | Teen Ink

My Flag Meaning

November 5, 2015
By dyllan56 BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
dyllan56 BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Seeing my father, an Iraq and Afghanistan veteran, come from the airport was the most exhilarating thing after not seeing him for 2 years. Military soldiers mean love,hope, and patience to their families and the flag means a lot to soldiers. My family and I know the importance of the flag to our nation. The flag is a symbol of greatness to me.

This waving creation for our nation is symbolic of our start, perseverance, and our pride. As we became one of (if not the) most powerful nation our people believed in the power of hope for our nation. As families of America we accepted these changes and put up flags. With parades, holidays and vacations, the symbol of our nation the flag we can look back to. This makes me proud to be a part of this nation and major power in the world to make a difference. The flag is a symbol of greatness to me.

Each time I pass a flag, I give my respects to the soldiers, families, and our founders for what they did to form this free, strong, and respected nation. Now I can look back and see that our flag represents more than just a banner.Its a sign of freedom to our families, soldiers, and myself.

The author's comments:

This is a personal meaning to me and I am roud of the flag.

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