What the Flag Resembles | Teen Ink

What the Flag Resembles

November 6, 2015
By kylemazurek GOLD, Pewaukee, Wisconsin
kylemazurek GOLD, Pewaukee, Wisconsin
12 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Whether it’s the battle of Fort McHenry, or astronauts setting foot on the moon, or 9/11, the United States flag stands representing protection, innovation, and unity. 

Everyday Americans overlook their safety and protection in the United States.  We don’t wake up and fear war.  Other Americans sacrifice their lives so the rest of us can live in a peaceful state of life. When I see a flag flying high, I know that I am protected.

The creation of cities, computer, and cell phones make me appreciate our American innovation. I can call someone that’s in California when I am walking down Miami Beach. If I am ever wondering something and want to educate myself on the topic, I can just use the internet and in 5 seconds I am a more educated person.  If Americans are sick, we can go to the doctor and can be cured.  When I see the flag flying high, I know I am in the most innovative country. 

Seeing the flag on days of remembrance or tragedy, like 9/11 or July 4th, help me remember that the flag unites the United States.  Whether it’s at the ballpark on a Sunday afternoon or at a funeral for a former soldier, the flags makes everyone in the United States family.  When I see a flag flying high, I know we are united, as one.

So whether you see Paul Revere running through the night, or soldiers are standing on Iwo Jima, or even soldiers in Afghanistan, the flags stands with us representing protection, innovation, and unity. 

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