It's Time We Pull Ourselves Out of Hassle and Stress! | Teen Ink

It's Time We Pull Ourselves Out of Hassle and Stress!

March 25, 2016
By Akshayaka BRONZE, Coimbatore, Other
Akshayaka BRONZE, Coimbatore, Other
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

When was the last time you smiled from the bottom of your heart? When was the last time you laughed, played and enjoyed in the company of your family? When was the last time you sat down to relax? When was the last time you felt calm?

Don't these questions strike a bell in your head?

It is so that we are often drowned in the endless thoughts of our life, challenges and difficulties that can often snatch our smile away, drive our inner peace away and kill the happiness in us. Stressing ourselves lead us to no good. Our life is short lived hence every minute counts.Most of us live a life of mockery, constantly working for hours and hours, almost endlessly even without self-satisfaction. We let ourselves run the rat race as it were a marathon, a never ending marathon. As a matter of fact our little cubic world, referring to our smartphones have only led to more mess and equal stress. The devices at our hand's reach were intended for our betterment, not for the worse! It is definitely funny to see the young men and women in whose hands lie the future of mankind plunge into an ocean of stress and havoc.Is all that trouble worth more than the smile on our family's face? Is all that extra effort worth more than your happiness? Is all of that distress worth your health? Is all of it worth your life? 

Think now! Change soon!

Life is imperfect, but you don't have to lose yourself for perfection,
all you need to do is find the satisfaction in the imperfection, and you're good to go. <3


Thank you for stopping by to read! :D

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