Women's Educational Rights | Teen Ink

Women's Educational Rights

June 16, 2016
By Lydia.G BRONZE, Victoria, Other
Lydia.G BRONZE, Victoria, Other
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Imagine a world where rape victims have to raise their children because they did not know of any options available to them at the time, a place where hard labor is their only job, where the minds are so narrow they cannot see past the poverty. Where domestic violence is an everyday occurrence and escape means losing the tradition? Ladies and gentlemen there many uneducated women that cannot stand for their rights and break the cycle, who's Lack of courage prevents them from taking initiative for a bold step. Education will make them liberal and broad minded and change their attitudes, values and role perceptions.

Education is the only tool that can break this intergenerational cycle of oppression, abuse and poverty of women. It has the power to transform societies. Educated women are more aware of their rights. They are likely to have fewer and healthier children. They can protect themselves against diseases like HIV. They are more likely to send their children to school. A greater participations of educated women in the economy and political process would lead to a better world lead today as well as future generations.Child marriage in some cases involving girls as young as 6 or 8  almost always results in the end of a girl’s schooling. The result is illiterate or barely literate young mothers without adequate tools to build healthy, educated families. On average, for every year a girl stays in school past fifth grade, her marriage is delayed a year. Educated girls typically marry later, when they are better able to bear and care for their children. Lack of knowledge about birth control leads to early pregnancy and parenthood. In most countries HIV is a consequence of illiteracy. Lack of information on their sexual rights makes women more susceptible to HIV.

Of course, leaving women uneducated dramatically reduces the productive capacity of present generations. As an African proverb said, “If we educate a boy, we educate one person. If we educate a girl, we educate a family and a whole nation.” By sending a girl to school, she is far more likely to ensure that her children also receive an education. As many claim, investing in a girl’s education is investing in a nation.How would you feel if your voice wasn't being heard and you weren't being giving the simple rights that anyone should be given like education?

These and many more are some of the valuable reasons why we should all support education for girls. For every boy that is educated, every girl should be educated too.Women don't want to feel as if they are being held to one type of career field just because they were born a woman.

We should now wake up ladies & it’s your responsibility dear ladies, to take step ahead towards your education for your bright future, for reducing these all problems that you are facing as an illiterate woman, it’s the right time to know your rights. It’s the time to get education so that you can get your specific place into the society, so that you can get a job, so that you can contribute in country’s progress by working in different dynamic fields of life. It’s the time to break the vicious circle of illiteracy. It’s the time to take action against those who harass you. It’s time to raise voice against violence by educating yourself. It’s the time to reduce your dependency on others & become independent person of society. Government should also take action for solving these problems by providing equal educational facilities to women of rural as well as urban areas.

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