The Silent Generation | Teen Ink

The Silent Generation

December 5, 2017
By erizz1 BRONZE, Metairie, Louisiana
erizz1 BRONZE, Metairie, Louisiana
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Generation Z is a generation that is very familiar with technology having grown up with the internet for majority of their life. This generation puts a big emphasis on technology, especially cell phones, making it an essential part of their lives. If I was able to rename Generation Z I would call it the “The Silent Generation.” I would rename Generation Z “The Silent Generation” because this generation is so focused on technology that they are losing social skills. As more technology develops, there are more ways for people to communicate besides talking face to face. This generation often avoids talking to people, especially talking to others face to face. Texting is a major way of communication for this generation that has contributed to their lack of speaking skills. Texting allows them to hide behind a screen and gives them time to respond. Texting affects social skills because when one is talking to another person face to face they can not hide behind a screen and wait to think of a response. Face to face people have to be able to look each other in the eye and have a conversation.  This generation has also taken a huge liking towards social media. Many people in this generation use social media and document almost every aspect of their lives. Social media also puts a damper on face to face communication because it allows people to see what is going on in other people’s lives making no need for others to talk to see what is going on. I would rename Generation Z “The Silent Generation” because they use technology to communicate and avoid talking making them silent.

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