As Long As You Love Me | Teen Ink

As Long As You Love Me

March 22, 2013
By KevinONeal SILVER, Oceanside, California
KevinONeal SILVER, Oceanside, California
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Favorite Quote:
Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover. - Mark Twain

Tonight I worked my least favorite 5pm to 9:30pm closing shift. For reasons completely unknown to me, the song "As Long As You Love Me" by Justin Bieber ft. Big Sean played three, maybe four, I began to lose count, times during that four and a half hour period.

When I got home from work, I began to investigate this Justin Bieber, mostly out of annoyance of the popularity of a song that agonized me four too many times in a single night. Based on this 19 year old's choice of song titles, I quickly came to the conclusion that he must be the master of love, able to woo any pretty lady he encounters. This Canadian pop star (yes, believe it or not, Canadian Dry is not the only pop to come out of America's Hat) has recorded singles with names such as "One Less Lonely Girl," "Baby," "Somebody to Love," "Boyfriend" and "Mistletoe" which lyrics such as "I'm gonna put you first/I'll show you what you're worth/If you let me inside your world/There's gonna be one less lonely girl" and "If I was your boyfriend, I'd never let you go/...I'd like to be everything you want." It appears as though maple syrup is not the only sweet thing that comes from Canada.

This young star has wooed more women than he will ever meet in his lifetime, amassing a stunning 35.3 million followers on Twitter. That is more people than the entire population of Canada, unless you include the moose (the plural of moose is moose apparently, I had to look that up). It is estimated that JB acquires a new Twitter follower every second and that at any given time he is responsible for 3% of Twitters activity. Forbes magazine lists him as the third most powerful celebrity in the world, ousted by only Jennifer Lopez and Oprah Winfrey.
Upon further investigation I learned of JB's outspoken relationship with his Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, his vow of abstinence, his dislike of the American health care system, all of which I am pleased to hear. But there are some blemishes on his record that seem to contradict his sweet serenading and apparent Christian-like principals.

Bieber has openly said that he believes people should have a choice as to their sexual trajectory, directly contradicting his Christian background and the Bible's description of homosexuality as a "dishonorable passion" and an abomination." Although Bieber has openly taken a vow of abstinence, his only view on pre marital sex is that he thinks "you should just wait for the person you're in love with," neglecting to mention the sinful nature of pre marital sex as described multiple times in the Bible. Bieber had his first kiss at age 13 and has told reporters that he wanted "to do everything" with Beyonce (currently supposed to be a member of the Church of Satan and demon possessed by the spirit Sasha Fierce).

Photo's of Bieber were posted on the internet two years ago of him giving the finger to a reporter. Soon after he apologized on Twitter, and then proceeded to give the one finger salute eight and twenty months later. In 2012 Bieber was given a speeding ticket for going a tad too fast on the Ventura Freeway in California. 100 in a 65mph zone to be exact.

The thing that I find most amusing is this ladies-man's success with the ladies. The amusing part is that he hasn't had any. He was previously in a relationship with fellow teen star Selena Gomez, a relationship that they broke off in November 2012, mended in December of 2012, and ended again a month later in January of 2013. The real kicker is that he proposed twice, being turned down both times.

The 19 year old pop sensation sings about love as if he knows it like the back of his own hand, as if he has experience and knowledge in that area, but in reality he knows nothing about the two greatest commandments of the Bible he claims to believe in.

"Jesus replied: "'Love the Lord your God with all you heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.' This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: 'Love your neighbor as yourself.'" Matthew 22:37-39

This Canadian teen has more fans than Canadian bacon, hockey and snow combined. With that much of an impact over such an easily motivated and roused group, Justin Bieber has the potential to bring millions of people worldwide to Christ, but fails to be radical enough to stimulate such an effect on his many followers. Instead he acts as a false god, to which millions of vulnerable young girls unknowingly gaze upon and worship. Imagine the number of lives that could be saved for eternity if JB would give glory to God in all things and all ways, to credit God for his abilities (which might insult God actually, now that I think about it), for his fame, for his power. Bieber fails to love his Lord with all of this heart, soul and mind by following his Lords commands and also fails to love his neighbors as himself. Granted, no one is perfect and someone who has the same amount of fans as Apple, Nike, WalMart and Lamborghini all combined is put under a lot of scrutiny, but this young man is missing out on some treasures in Heaven, regardless of his voice, hair, dapper and dashing smile.


The author's comments:
Check out my blog "Life of a Salesman" at this link:
Taking the oddities and peculiarities of a life of retail and transforming them into little nuggets of truth and wisdom.

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