Compensation of college athletes. | Teen Ink

Compensation of college athletes.

May 31, 2022
By jfhanenberg26 BRONZE, Parsippany, New Jersey
jfhanenberg26 BRONZE, Parsippany, New Jersey
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

A common saying is that money makes the world go around. In fact, money is the key to life and everyone wants a piece of the pie. Everybody needs it and everybody wants it no matter  your age or how much you already have. However, those participating in college sports have done enough to earn a piece but do not earn anything. Currently, many college athletes are spending hours, and hours every day just to be a part of a team. These athletes spend as much of their time on the field as they do hitting the books but these athletes do not get compensated.  Therefore, college athletes should be compensated because they are already employed by the college to play and colleges earn so much off players but the players don't get paid. 

To begin, all college athletes are essentially already employed by the college to play. First off, in ¨Should Collegiate Athletes Be Compensated¨ it states, ¨… many athletes spend anywhere from 30 - 50 hours every week practicing, performing, or traveling for their respective sport…” (Parth 2). Furthermore,  “The amount of time spent at practice is equivalent to that of a part time job¨ (Grossman 2). This shows college athletes spend the same amount of time pursuing their sport then they could be pursuing a job, so college athletes should be compensated because they are basically employed by the college to play. In addition, from ¨Should Student-Athlete Profit from Play?¨ it says,¨”In addition to the 20 hours, we also spend time doing pre and post practice recovery work, or rehabilitation, plus team activities and meeting¨ (Grossman 2). This proves college athletes are essentially employed by the college and deserve to be compensated because they have to stay after to do extra work, like how you may stay after to clean a restaurant if you worked there. Finally, in the article ¨Should Student-Athlete Profit from Play?¨ it states, ¨ I myself have found it difficult to maintain a part-time job or an internship while competing in collegiate sports and pursuing my degree. Taking a full semester of classes, practicing 20 hours or more a week, doing everyday obligations and chores and maintaining a healthy lifestyle makes for busy days. (Grossman)¨ This describes that pursuing your sport and maintaining a normal life makes for busy days even without a job and that's why collegiate athletes should be compensated.

Another reason is, colleges earn so much off the players it's only right for them to get paid. In “Should Student-Athletes Profit From Play¨ it identifies, According to USA Today, ¨ The NCAA isn't the only intuition swimming in money. Twenty-four school athletic programs made more than $100,000,000 in the 2014-2015 athletic year with Texas A&M University topping the list at $192,608,876.(Grossman 2)¨ This explains that many colleges earn so much money from sports, and all of the money earned is because of the players, so it is only right for them to be paid. To add on, in “Should Collegiate Athletes Be compensated¨ it reveals,¨According to The Huffington post, NCAA brought in $989 in its 2014 financial year. (Parths 1)This shows that the NCAA makes so much money in a single year, and all this money is because the players play for people to watch, so why shouldn't they be paid if they're doing all the work. Furthermore, in the article `` Should Collegiate Athletes Be compensated¨ it explains``Money coming in from lucrative television deals, ticket, and jersey sales, promotions and other streams of revenue go to the NCAA, the schools, the coaches and everyone else involved in the business. Everyone gets a ¨piece of the pie,¨ except for the ones primarily responsible for bringing in the profit, the student-athletes.(Parth 1)¨ This states that everyone except the players are earning money, but the players are responsible for their income. This isn't fair and is the reason why college athletes should get paid.

In conclusion, student athletes in college should be compensated. Some believe that student athletes in college shouldnt be paid therefore it sends a bad message to America's youth athletes, but the evidence provided proves that college athletes should be compensated because they are essentially already employed and colleges are earning so much money off their players who don't earn anything at all. All of this goes back to money makes the world go round, everyone needs it and everyone knows that, but why aren't the athletes getting paid when they should be.

The author's comments:

I am Jared Hanenberg in 8th grade and I wounder what you think about this topic.

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