On Being: An Artist | Teen Ink

On Being: An Artist

May 17, 2024
By z_studio BRONZE, Hebron, Kentucky
z_studio BRONZE, Hebron, Kentucky
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I think to myself for this assignment I have been given, what is one thing I both am and am not. The answer is an artist. By Definition My drawings make me an artist as it can define certain aspects of art, But i'm not an artist. I am a doodler, a “artist” who doesn't use all needed things to make art “showroom presentable” . I am the poster of the art museum, not the masterpiece itself.

I’ve noticed during my years of art that I'm not allowed to be a conventional artist, I lack a particular fancy. Thus i don't like the term artist for artists can color and make their art a symbol. I lack symbolism. Symbolism brings a piece together, we look at certain artist like Picasso. Picasso is an example of what i lack especially in his painting The old Guitarist. The old guitarist is a symbolistic masterpiece Picasso picks a color for his skin color and background for a reason. Blue a color of sadness a color that shows emotion without a face. Picasso’s old man intensifies this emotional distress. This i cannot do.

I am not an artist I cannot express emotion in a piece of my work my work does not involve such skill, and thoughtfulness to the pathos side of people nor do i want to. Pathos in art hurts my work. People think there's an underlying clue to my psyche. there is no clue.My drawing is my writer's throw away, it spiels no sense it's just there. I think a lot of my art is my lack of control. I want to put as much in as possible. Sometimes my 

art is as clean as it is highly detailed and I'm proud of it. Sometimes it's like I'm falling over words but in a comically picturesque form. To think about it, my lack of an ‘art’ class may be the cause of my downfall, I took several art classes in elementary school but that doesn't teach art, it teaches simplism, no heavy techniques or color theory or pathos. All it did was inspire me to draw. Of course some time during highschool i believe we were supposed to take an art class, but apparently you had to take an art class freshman year to be able to take any advanced style of class which locked me from entering a loved career. A lock on a passion is a prison. 

I am not an artist. I am comparable to an understudy to the main lead in a play but still I thrive? I thrive because  as art continues to grow so do I.I try my hardest to make sure that i try to improve at least one thing maybe it's human anatomy maybes it's the eyes maybe it's something abstract, but i will learn something new each time.Maybe i'm starting to get to a stage where art is a possible definitive career?

Definition, what definition, whose definition, who defines me. I myself define who i am and now i think ive evaluated my writing. With every idea there's a art either writing or visual it's still art so what if my art holds no value or coherence.If Piet Mondrian’s Composition II in Red, Blue, and Yellow can be considered a “art piece” I believe my random doodles could be considered an art piece too if we compare to Piet Mondrian’s art the standard square could be considered art theres no detail there's no emotion but yet we have people who would pay thousands of dollars for a square!? Personally that's a waste because that's not art at least to me my definition of art is something that requires personal motif with at least time and thought put into it , the fact that art has become squares on a piece of paper  it makes me bitter .

The author's comments:

This was an assignement and i enjoyed the writing

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