Top 3 Super Bowl Ads 2024 | Teen Ink

Top 3 Super Bowl Ads 2024

June 23, 2024
By nnamburi BRONZE, Hillsborough, California
nnamburi BRONZE, Hillsborough, California
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Last February, 123.4 million people tuned in for Super Bowl LVIII, the annual championship game for the National Football League (NFL). Every year, many people tune in for the excitement of the game, others tune in for the world-famous Super Bowl halftime performance. But there are a few who also tune in for the comedy, creativity, and thrill of the Super Bowl commercials. These commercials are highly marketable due to the game's massive viewership, offering companies a prime opportunity to advertise their products or services to such an immense and captive audience. The importance of Super Bowl commercials lies in their ability to reach millions of viewers, often generating significant buzz, as well as influencing consumer behavior long after the game ends. This year’s Super Bowl commercials were packed with amusement, innovation, and adventure. But, there were three eye-catching commercials this year that were a cut above the rest. 

Like a Good Neighbaaa - State Farm

There is a consensus among most of the country that this action-packed and satirical commercial, which featured world-famous body-builder Arnold Schwarzenegger and notorious actor Danny Davito, was the best commercial of the Super Bowl. Pronunciation has never been Schwarzenegger’s strong suit, so State Farm decided to make fun of the way he pronounces his “R’s.” State Farm utilized guest cameos, such as one from Jake from State Farm, to attempt to correct his pronunciation; however, all it took was his former co-star from the classic movie Twins, Danny Devito, to pronounce the phrase correctly. Finally, due to the resurging popularity of Danny Devito and the modern hit Jake from State Farm, the addition of these 3 actors appeals to all ages. 

Picklebabies - E*Trade

This commercial is a sequel to last year’s E*Trade Super Bowl commercial, where two of the now recurring characters, who are babies, attend a baby wedding. This year, the company portrays the infants as babies, who are masters at America’s fastest-growing sport: pickleball. The advertisement features these talking toddlers smack-talking while schooling their opponents. Not only is this a brilliant move on E*Trade’s part, given that pickleball now appeals to a mass audience, but also, who doesn't want to watch cute babies dressed up in pickleball gear insulting each other? I know I do. 

“DunKings” - Dunkin Donuts

This star-studded advertisement featured Ben Affleck, Matt Damon, Tom Brady, Jack Harlow, Jennifer Lopez, and Fat Joe, all of whom are legends in the city of Boston. As Jennifer Lopez is recording songs for her new album, all of these celebrities barge in and break into their original rap song. The sheer volume of celebrities in this advertisement makes it arguably the most memorable advertisement of the year. Each celebrity touches a different interest (ex. Tom Brady and football, Jack Harlow and rap, Matt Damon and acting), making this commercial the most engaging of them all. 


These are only a few of the top-tier, eye-catching, and exciting commercials that aired during the 2024 Super Bowl. Although some of these advertisements are not entirely related to the company’s services or products, the buzz that is generated is usually all they need in order to make a genuine profit. 

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