Whisper into wrestling | Teen Ink

Whisper into wrestling

December 16, 2013
By lindz15 BRONZE, Cochranton, Pennsylvania
lindz15 BRONZE, Cochranton, Pennsylvania
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

A few months ago, I went to my very first wrestling event. Which I now enjoy going to almost every month. The first event I went to was with my sister and her annoying boyfriend. I was not sure if I would enjoy this event at first. But then, I realized it is very exciting. This event was hosted at the saga club in Erie,pa in February. I met many new people and made new friends.

One person I met that day that really stuck out in my mind and that is like my bestest friend right now. I think he is the greatest person I ever met that actually will still talk to me no madder what I write or what time I message him. His name is Andre and as some wrestling fans call him (a.k.a.). I call him my friend because I can tell him anything and he will listen and help with the situation I'm in. Before we became friends I had absolutely no one sticking up for me or listening to what I had to say. So I'm very grateful I have him in my life or else my life would suck even more than it already does.

Ever since the February event I have been to six events. Which Is pretty good for me because I'm usually never allowed out of my house. In march at the event my sister pointed out the wrestler that creeps her out. Me and him have been friends ever since just because he creeps my sister out. His name is asylum and he is really nice to me. I would never want to replace Andre and asylum in my mental friends list.

My favorite event I went to would have to be the one that happened at the Crawford county fair this year. I got to see Andre wrestle and best of all I walked there. Just to see him cause I promised I wouldn't miss it for anything. Like I would still go if I was on crutches, in a wheelchair or anything else I would not miss it. To conclude my essay I would have to say wrestling is the best thing I ever seen.

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