Basketball Is My Life | Teen Ink

Basketball Is My Life

December 13, 2013
By Sarah Elisabeth Crouse BRONZE, Raleigh, North Carolina
Sarah Elisabeth Crouse BRONZE, Raleigh, North Carolina
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I love the game of basketball. I have been playing since 5th or 4th grade. Every summer I go to allot of basketball camps. Some of the camps are sleep away like Davidson women’s basketball camp. I also watch basketball videos and when I’m home I do allot of drills to get better. I spend probably an hour every day working on my shot or more. I always love to go to basketball camps to get better. I always watch sports and I guess basketball was calling my name. My family and I usually watch basketball or any other sport. I love to watch March Madness, which is my favorite time of basketball because you see who the best team is. I play point guard which helps run the basketball team. They help bring the ball up the court. I think of point guards as the coach on the court. I would like to improve on my skills because I want to get a scholarship to play in college. My dream is to play college basketball at Wake Forest or Davidson. I want to play for Davidson because I became very good friends with players that I came to know really well. These players are Alexandria Thompson, Ashley Lax, Monica Laune, and Julia Paquette. Even my family began to love my favorite women players. I have grown as a person because of basketball. Now I know what it means to work hard and practice every day at something you love. I know not to give up on anything because of me playing basketball. My dad taught me how to play the game and the rules to play the game. He also taught me that practice makes perfect which has stuck with me in everything I do. He taught me what I can do to get better. I have gotten better because I have been practicing an hour a day and from listening to my dad when he practices with me. I’m very excited to play this year on the Purnell School basketball team. Basketball is my life and my favorite sport.

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