Manga vs. Comics | Teen Ink

Manga vs. Comics

December 13, 2013
By Anonymous

Do you think manga and comic books are the same? If so why do you think that? Personally I think that manga and comics are two different things, yea they may have the same bubbles with words in it but that’s the one thing they have in common. Think about it when you touch a manga book for the very first time you notice that the manga book starts in the back of the book and comics start on the front. Well in case you don’t realize manga is actually made in japan, and how they see it comics start from the back and manga starts from the front. So it may seem strange to us that manga starts from the back and in japan it’s the same with comics. Mind you manga and anime are like two things anime goes off of manga. Its also the same for comics as well, except the cartoons don’t go off of comics they are actually like two different things the comics have its own story background as well as the cartoons. But they use the same characters as the ones in the comics like marvel heroes.

There is one thing though for comics, there are a lot of comics that have their very own story and their very own characters. For example the comic “Bone” it has its own story line and its own characters, meaning that there are no cartoons that go off of the comic’s characters or story. But for manga almost every single manga that was ever made was made into anime, the same storyline and the same characters. You can pick up a manga book for the very first time and then search that manga book on a anime website, 7/10 you will find that book to be made into an anime. That’s one difference between them. Another difference is how the characters look, In manga books they try to make them look like people but different. And in comics they make the characters look like cartoon characters/people.

My opinion on both comics and manga is that I honestly like manga a lot better than comics because reading manga is completely different than reading comics, the way the people look and also because manga seems to be a lot more fun to read than comics. Manga has much more romance and comedy and action in one book then comics do, and sometimes they tend to be slightly over exaggerative and sometimes over exaggerative can make it much more fun to read, it can also be realistic as well at certain times. Comics don’t ever go towards being over exaggerative they tend to keep it at a steady spot so although comics may be fun to read I think manga is even better especially after you read it you can watch it and that makes it even better. But some people rather prefer comics than manga because of the art and how the book is, they either think it’s stupid or confusing. But I love manga as well as I love anime with passion, because it’s completely different from comics and cartoons. So in a battle between manga and comics I think manga wins completely.

The author's comments:
What have inspired me to write this is that, a friend of mines said that comics were better then manga and that he gets confused when reading manga because you read it backwards and he is not used to that. But i thought other wise i thought that manga was better than comics and that's how i came up with this idea

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