Wear More Helmets | Teen Ink

Wear More Helmets

January 8, 2014
By Ha-dar-dar BRONZE, Cambridge, Massachusetts
Ha-dar-dar BRONZE, Cambridge, Massachusetts
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

SAFETY- Freedom from the risk of injury,danger,and loss.
Everyone has the right to be safe!. All of the time. So why is it the people who ride bikes don’t wear helmets which make them safe. Are they afraid they look dorky? Are they afraid their friends might make fun of them? Are they afraid to mess up their hair? These are all just excuses for not wearing a helmet.
Statistics prove that helmets save lives. !!!!! In three out of four bike crashes, bikers usually get some sort of injury to their head.
Ryan Smith, a sixteen year old boy, was seriously injured when he was in a collision with a van as he rode to work last month. Mr.Smith says that he always wears a helmet while ride and always tells Ryan to wear one but hes only 16 and his hair is everything to him.
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That's whats happening with Ryan just because he didn't wear a helmet.He is now in a coma
If everyone wore a helmet the whole city would be safer.What if you were riding ne to a car when the driver couldn’t see you through their mirror and you get hit.well if you have a helmet you would be just fine. But without a helmet you will be seeing yourself in the hospital for quite a while.helmets a good for the head but the one thing that its doesn’t protect is you face.but who care if you get a few cuts and bruises on your face you won't have a concussion if you wear a helmet.

As bike rider that was in a bike crash i recommend everyone to wear a helmet. The helmet its what saved my head. It all started in the summer of 2010 i finished making my own bike when i started riding it the day after when the handle bar came off and i went flying over.
Safety -freedom of the risk of injury,danger,and loss. Its easy to avoid this wear a helmet.

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