Inside the Ball | Teen Ink

Inside the Ball

January 8, 2014
By AggressiveKiwi BRONZE, Cambridge, Massachusetts
AggressiveKiwi BRONZE, Cambridge, Massachusetts
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Inside the Ball

No matter how many people in the MLB want to get into the Hall of Fame, only a fraction of a fraction of the people actually do. And a fraction of a fraction of a fraction doped to get in. Baseball players who used illegal performance enhancing drugs that didn’t get into the Hall of Fame, honestly should have. These players were just trying to get there names out there and get a bit better at baseball. Most of them didn’t use steroids for more than one year of their career. For example players like Barry Bonds, Alex Rodriguez, and Mark McGuire were all fantastic baseball players before they started doping.

Barry Bonds won 4 M.V.P awards within his first 5 years as a Major League Baseball player. The only reason he didn’t win all 5 is because the officials didn't want one person winning the award 5 years in a row. Some of these players earned the right to be in the Hall of Fame and they should have been. Although there should be some punishment for using illegal substances. True performance enhancing drugs are illegal now, but back in the day no one knew about baseball players using them. Most say the mid 1900’s was the golden age of baseball. Well drugs weren’t illegal then were then were they.

“In 2003, David Boomer Wells claimed that up to 40 percent of baseball players in the Major Leagues used steroids. Most recently in 2005, Jose Conseco estimated that 80 percent of most Major Leaguers used steroids and credited that drug for their entire career.” The Mlb has to realize that they are never going to get rid of the use of performance enhancing drugs, players are still going to use them if it’s illegal or not. There is no stopping it. They should also consider if a player is good enough and they know that this player did not use steroids from the start of his career, entering the Hall of Fame.

As I mentioned earlier, many players in the MLB used performance enhancing drugs like Sammy Sosa, Roger Clements and so on. These players were all freaks of nature when it came to baseball before they started using steroids. Some people may even say that they used steroids from the start of their career they were so good. The Mlb should seriously consider this and think over the previous rule. As a hardcore baseball fan myself, I feel as though these players should be admitted into the Hall of Fame.

Imagine this; You are Barry Bonds, possibly one of the best baseball players ever, you only used performance enhancing drugs for a tiny bit of your career. The officials had found out about this and before hand they were considering the entry of you in the Hall of Fame. But, since you used illegal substances for a small part of your career, the thought of you entering the Hall of Fame is an abomination. How would you feel? You would think it’s unfair right? That is why this should be thought over. There definitely should be a penalty for using drugs but not one so big as not entering the Hall of Fame.

Im not saying that this is totally ok to do, but if the player is good enough before they started to use performance enhancing drugs, honestly they should be in the Hall of Fame. These players are passionate about what they do and don’t deserve the hatred they receive. This rule should be seriously rethought. “40 percent… steroids...80 percent… career.

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