The Greatest Game of the Millennium | Teen Ink

The Greatest Game of the Millennium

January 20, 2014
By sir.timothy GOLD, Nashotah, Wisconsin
sir.timothy GOLD, Nashotah, Wisconsin
16 articles 0 photos 0 comments

With the incredible first or third person role-play, intense graphics, and amazing detail to each and every object makes the game the best. Bethesda who are the creators of the game have taken the advice and suggestions that the gamers have requested and put it into this single game. Because of all this the game is superb.

Junior Jhawn Neuman said, “The map is massive and the interactive role play is kick ass!” The map is so large that it would take over 24 hours to walk all the way around it.

Asides from the size of the map Neuman said, “The graphics are amazing. I take my time when I discover a new object and look at every part of it. It amazes me how Bethesda was able to make no same object look identical. The map is HUGE; I mean it’s amazing what they did. The four years they spent creating it was definitely worth the wait.”

Neuman said, “Do I recommend the game? Is that a joke? YES! I recommend it.”

Neuman said, “It’s like my first child, better yet I love it as if it were a puppy. But seriously everything I look for in a game I can do in Skyrim. I love medieval games and sadly there aren’t many. But it makes sense why there aren’t because there’s Skyrim, and no one can compete with Skyrim when it comes to medieval like games.”

“In my personal opinion, Skryim is the best Elder Scroll created. Unlike Oblivion, it allows the gamer to take advantage of changing into a vampire or werewolf with little negative affects.” This was Neuman’s opinion on the DLC.

DLC stands for downloadable content, which means its an add-on to a video game. This DLC that Benetha came out is called Dragonborn and it allows the gamer to have more benefits such as changing their skills, so they don’t have to start over and create a new character. However, this only happens after defeating Miraak and having collected all five black books.

A major new location, which is also a new map, is the island, Solstheim. This new island has many locations. To demonstrate the intensity of this new island, which is Solstheim, it is approximately 1/5 the size of Skyrim.

Being on the new island Solstheim, your character can create new armors, weapons, and mine new material. What I think is the strongest type of mineral and gives you a better armor rating after crafting, is the Solsthiem mineral. It looks like blue ice, but it is stronger than Daedric armor. Some insight and advice: be sure to keep the Nordic Pickaxe, because this is the only pickaxe that can mine this mineral. But since I mentioned the Dragonborn Quest I don’t even know how to say how good it is. It’s like taking the original main quest of Skyrim and multiplying it by infinity. It can’t be explained it can only be quested.

Jhawn wasn’t able to choose his favorite quest, he responded with, “Wow that’s like asking right Twix or Left Twix.”

If you’re a fan of Fall Out, any of the Mass Effects, and definitely any of the Elder Scrolls, Skyrim is what you want. As Paarthurnax and the Graybeards would say, “You are dovahkiin!”

The author's comments:
My favorite game so i figure i would show my appreciation towards it.

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