My Life | Teen Ink

My Life

January 21, 2014
By Anonymous

My life is pretty much baseball. There are about three main reasons why baseball is my life and well will tell u in a second.
first reason is that i practice a lot about twice a week that might not sound like a lot but twice a week for 2 or 3 hours is a lot.
second reason is that i have tournements almost every weekend and my team is pretty good in fact i just had one last weekend and we lost in semi finals but there where alot of good teams.
third reason is that my parents push me and push me to do my best but i dont think that they know that there are going to be bad games only good games. so every time i do bad man, it is a long car ride home.
i think that sums it up on why baseball is my life.

The author's comments:
i was inspired to write this because i think baseball is my life and maby other people can relate to that.

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