More Sports Articles | Teen Ink

More Sports Articles

February 17, 2014
By cmp19 BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
cmp19 BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Dear TeenInk,

I think there should be a larger sports section in your magazine. More of us guys want to read about sports instead of reviews or fiction. It would attract more attention to the magazine. More on teams and games instead of dramatized versions. We want real sports. Statistics, good/bad teams, types of sports, and exciting games that happened. The section now seems to be more aimed towards parents with how to prevent injury and bad things that happen. Us, the people who read it, want to see real sports like how I stated above. Added to the fact we want real sports, we think it should be a lot bigger. Maybe four to five pages at least. It is the only section all the guys I know read in class. It grabs most of the boys attention and is what we most relate to. Hope you take this into consideration.


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