Happiness=Success | Teen Ink


March 17, 2014
By mswebber21 BRONZE, Peosta, Iowa
mswebber21 BRONZE, Peosta, Iowa
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

A person’s success cannot be measured by anyone other than themselves. Success is an internal, personal feeling of happiness and accomplishment. Big homes, fancy cars, and the newest Smartphone are false statements of success that our society influences. We often find ourselves measuring our personal success by what materialistic items we own in comparison to that of others; however, we need to start looking deeper in to what success really is and how true success is accomplished.

Modern day society has set standards on the way we measure success. People who own nice jewelry, beautiful yachts, and have abundant bank accounts are viewed as successful people. We hear our elders tell us that we cannot pursue a certain career because our income will not allow us to live a successful life. High income does not always result in true success. A person could have all the money and latest technology in the world, but without love, pride, and happiness, they have failed.

The measurement of true success is really quite simple: happiness. True success comes from within a person’s soul. When measuring their own success, a person should reflect upon the goals that they have accomplished in their life. If they are satisfied with the drive and determination they have put forth to complete those goals, they are successful. Comparing our achievements to another person’s only creates a sense of jealousy and disappointment. Personal success should not be based off of the success of the people around you, but off of the satisfaction and sense of pride you believe you have earned.

Do not become lost in life trying to conform to what society views as successful. Matthew 16:26 (NLT) says, “And what do you benefit if you gain the whole world but lose your own soul? Is anything worth more than your soul?” This verse is pure proof that material items are not a symbol of success. A person could own everything that this world has to offer, but unless their soul is full of happiness, they have not succeeded.

Regardless of what people say, what humanity believes, and what seems to symbolize success, self satisfaction and happiness is what truly determines the success of a person. Underneath the material items is where success is measured. The most successful people in this world are the people who know their goals, are able to determine how to reach them, and are willing to go the distance to achieve pure, personal happiness.

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