O-MUN aka Online Model United Nations | Teen Ink

O-MUN aka Online Model United Nations

April 27, 2014
By HariCharan BRONZE, Calcutta, Other
HariCharan BRONZE, Calcutta, Other
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Silence is a true friend which never betrays

Well many know what an MUN is. For those who don't it is basically a simulation of work done in the United Nations. Students debate upon issues the world faces now. Well attending an MUN Conference is not a joke.O-MUN is a 501(c)(3) educational program, open to middle, high and university students with the goal of bringing a quality Model United Nation's experience to youth around the world, and at no cost. So,this O-MUN Community is committed to democratizing this popular academic program, keeping the focus squarely on mentor-ship, discussion, collaboration and high academic standards. Their goal is to empower individual students anywhere in the world to act as leaders and bridge builders, to learn and connect with individuals different from themselves, to network on a global scale and to make friends in the process.O-MUN is also a proud partner of THIMUN. To participate in O-MUN, you just need to have :--
(1) Computer
(2) Internet Connection
(3) A Headphone
(4) Some knowledge about the topic.
O-MUN is also a Student Controlled organisation. Thus if you are not part of this community please do so by visiting --- www.onlinemuand know more about this community after joining it.
(NOTE : This is for High School Students and it is completely free *NO TERMS AND CONDITIONS APPLY*)

The author's comments:
Well I have written this article because O-MUN is the reason why I am writing this now. I always used to mumble&stumble a lot if I was asked to give a speech. Due to O-MUN only, I am now able to at least go out in front of people and give speeches during competitions like elocution and debates. As it has helped me a lot, I just wanted to help this organisation to grow larger so that many other people who are like me find this community and help themselves like me.

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