Helmets in Soccer? | Teen Ink

Helmets in Soccer?

March 23, 2016
By jmoon20 BRONZE, Ho Chi Minh, Other
jmoon20 BRONZE, Ho Chi Minh, Other
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Many soccer athletes get injured severely in the head and are forced to quit the sport because of how bad the injury is. Some injuries are severe enough to kill some players. We can prevent injuries by using helmets, which will prevent injuries. However, this thought will not be beneficial to soccer because it will be expensive, the equipment will be very uncomfortable, heavy, and hot, thus, it will be harder for athletes to play in them. However, some believe that using equipment will save many people’s sports careers.

First of all, the equipment will be expensive. Sport committees are forced to pay tons of money just for equipment, therefore, other aspects of the sport such as the quality of the court would have to be cut down because they wouldn’t have enough funds to support it. Although the safety of the soccer players are very important, the other aspects of the game will be lower quality due to this. We should keep all the qualities of the game equal, which would attract more people, which is overall what we want, money. Therefore, if we buy helmets for soccer players, we will be losing money, because the quality of the fields and such will be ruined, and the only thing that we will be focused on are the athletes health.

Next, the equipment will be very heavy and uncomfortable for the athletes, which can really bother an athlete and have them play worse. First of all, the equipment will be very uncomfortable for the soccer players because they will have something almost covering their eyes the whole time while playing a match. Soccer players have to focus on the ball, therefore, their eyes will be easily strained during matches. Also, it can get really hot inside of helmets, which also leads to fatigue. For me, when watching soccer, I do not only go to watch my favorite players, I also really like to watch them do miraculous tricks. However, with helmets, they won’t be able to do as fancy things because they will be extremely tired. Due to the equipment being too hot for the athletes, it shouldn’t be implemented into sports today.

With all this, we we can conclude that wearing equipment will lessen the quality of the game because it will be uncomfortable and hot. Even though the player’s safety will be greatly increased, other aspects will be decreased. Try playing soccer with a helmet. You will get easily tired, which is what the athletes would be experiencing, which is bad for the body.   Therefore, wearing extra gear will be a burden to the athlete's body.

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