Why Basketball? | Teen Ink

Why Basketball?

April 20, 2017
By 47steeloggp BRONZE, Park City, Utah
47steeloggp BRONZE, Park City, Utah
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Hello my name is Alexis I like to play basketball. When I play basketball I feel like I am the king. Basketball is like my stress reliever. I like to shoot alone no one there to till you stuff. Most people like to play video games. I personally like to play out side to be calmer and happier. Ever since i started to play basketball i been playing it ever since. When I go outside I play mostly sports. When i play sports I like to run a lot because when I run I like the wind hitting my face when the wind hits my face it feels good it feels like if you were a baby. The sports I like to play the most is basketball and football I think most people like to play those sports too. I like it when i seat because i feel really good.

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