School Race | Teen Ink

School Race

August 13, 2018
By theotakuauthoremail SILVER, Bothell, Washington
theotakuauthoremail SILVER, Bothell, Washington
8 articles 2 photos 2 comments

Favorite Quote:
"books are a uniquely portable magic" - Stephen King

Always waking up early for class,
learning just like everyone else. 
Like I'm in one huge student mass. 

Studying extra hard, 
extra credit work that gets denied, 
playing every card to pass,
The thought of failing has me petrified. 

The friends and drama on top of it all,
try to keep up,
Don't forget to go to the mall. 

This school day haste
goes by so fast
like a giant school race 
that is the present, future, and past.

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