Unlocked Doors | Teen Ink

Unlocked Doors

April 21, 2009
By jazmine graves BRONZE, Harrisburg, Pennsylvania
jazmine graves BRONZE, Harrisburg, Pennsylvania
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

When you unlock a door you need a key
And not every key fits which
is exactly why everyone has
it specialized, a key
and a lock explains
The simple
term Life:

something many people may seem

to have but, at one
point it’s deprived you
strive to get it back it
seems like nothing,
works the key doesn’t fit,
but the only way to make
it through is to find the best key or the best path in life to take because it leads to greater things and
makes life worth sake so make sure
you find the best key because
it’ll make your life fill
with glee.

The author's comments:
its suppose to be in the shape of an lock but it might have messed up.

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