March 25, 2019
By Anonymous

When I think of you, love fills my heart.

You were the brightest of stars, the light of the party,

the glue that held us all together.

There are so many memories to choose,

but this one is the worst.


A six letter word that affects millions.

Unfortunately, it got to you.


You fought your toughest battle,

giving it everything you had.

As the pain took over,

you’re smile became dull and  

your laugh slowly drifted away.

I wasn’t ready for you to go.

It wasn’t part of the plan.

I still need you here with me.


Yes, it is selfish, but sometimes

selfishness is allowed to be demanded.

I wasn’t ready for you to leave

me….us….all of us.


Emptiness is all that is felt,

with no way to fill that missing piece.

A horrible nightmare becomes reality.

How can someone so important

with a snap of the finger

vanish from your life.


As you, my guardian angel watch over me

I think of the memories we shared.

Waiting for the moment until we meet again.

To feel your warm arms wrap around me.

Only then, will my heart feel complete.

The author's comments:

This poem is about my aunt who passed away from cancer 3 years ago. She meant the absolute world to me and the poem describes what I felt during that time. Watching someone go through the struggle of battling cancer really makes you look at life very differently. I truly expressed my emotions on how it felt to have a loved one pass away from cancer and how horrible the experience truly is. 

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