Gazing at Sunsets | Teen Ink

Gazing at Sunsets

March 28, 2019
By sapande BRONZE, Olathe, Kansas
sapande BRONZE, Olathe, Kansas
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Here is the ray

Colorful wing,

     universal, the center

of the sky, the blue paint

peering through the light, fading away under

the battle cry of nightfall, the emerging

starlight. Here

is sunset, here

    is power,


            Pink, red, yellow hues.

A painting of fruit-hued colors. Cameras

turned on, trying

                 for capture, rapture,

completely enraptured by

such sensational sovereignty

over the world, like the calling before

A royal entry

A presentation before the constellations

and the moon.

From the blushing pink to the fiery red,

to the luminosity

The tinge of gray a threat

to the throne?

The thickness of chemicals

attacks our world

Slow death, no mercy

Sunsets-- legends of

beauty, that still, after all these years,

      could reappear

Shying away from

darkness, and

accepting bliss.

The author's comments:

While, initially, merely an assignment for my AP Literature class, this poem truly sheds light on the debate over the importance of nature and the life around us over the technology world. The dangers to Mother nature from factories and global warming is a critical dilemma that everyone should take seriously and take the first step toward a world of beauty. 

My name is Shruti and I'm a senior in high school currently. After this AP class, my perspective on poetry has completly changed. I adore them! 

Thank you for taking the time to read my poem and provide me with the opportnity to publish something that is truly important to me. 

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