A Twin Bed | Teen Ink

A Twin Bed

April 26, 2009
By Levi Sikes BRONZE, Townsend, Delaware
Levi Sikes BRONZE, Townsend, Delaware
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

There are things I don’t want you to see,
Forever denying you’ve forever been by me.
We are two hairline threads
Circling ‘round goldenrod, from beginning to end
In a field like the bristled back of a nervous cat;
Where the man-child ran barefoot and bruised his heel on death’s head,
And he led us with breadcrumb trails and glimpses of majesty.

Speak to me in fire and lightning
Call to me in your profound way of whispering.

You show up in my locked room
In protest, I produce the key!
You unfold your fist like a rose
And you say, “Do not disbelieve, but behold and believe!”

I’m sleeping on a twin bed
With my feet hanging off the end,
And I won’t think you’re here
Unless you lift me into the outside air
And my hands touch the hands
That ran over my hair.
In my state of rust and work and wear,
I get blame tired! And do you still speak?

There are things I don’t want you to see,
But find them! And change me!
How can I sleep heavy-eyed,
With my hand finding you wounded side?
This is no foreign, distant lover!
Surely, this was the love from forever!
But do you still speak?

In more than notes slid under doors
And murmurs in the dark,
And I speak from the abundance
Of my double-sided heart.
So turn it like a jewel
With your palm as the pedestal
And refine it in the fire
Of all that’s pure and true.
A laugh of colored collage and
Light dances in my soul;
You’re the very One
We passed on the road!
Any utterance is an
Utterance too great for me,
In the presence of you and
Everything that lives as you breathe!
I cannot even speak
Is it really you?
After all this time and blindness
I can see! I have finally seen you!

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