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April 15, 2019
By sapande BRONZE, Olathe, Kansas
sapande BRONZE, Olathe, Kansas
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I come from a land

Where something holy is everything

Where religion is the supreme ideology of life

And, yes, there are a billion gods, like Greek mythology

I come from a land

A whirlwind of colors mark the start of any celebration

Holi, Diwali, Navratri

Any day is a day for a gathering

I come from a land

Shaped by pure knowledge

The more you know, the more you gain

Acceptance, power, respect

Otherwise goodluck

I come from a land

Success is measured in percentages

My best is never enough

Choice is not a choice at all

Female equity is not equal at all

I come from a land

That I will always love

That I will always come back to

That will forever be my home

The author's comments:

This piece is very important to me as a person and my beliefs/religion. This poem outlines how my religion and how my life in India impact me as person, and what they mean to me. 

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