Love in a Field of Falsehood | Teen Ink

Love in a Field of Falsehood

April 23, 2019
By sydneyjessica1 BRONZE, Oak Park, California
sydneyjessica1 BRONZE, Oak Park, California
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments


In a field of yellow lilies, she was hidden from him, concealed –

By her giggles he soon found her and he began to kneel.

Beside her, he watched the sun light up her forest green eyes.

How beautiful, he wondered, like she was from the skies.

He loved to be beside her, even to merely comfort her cries.

He did not know how to tell her his love though, but she was so wise.


She stopped giggling. She could tell something was wrong.

He took three deep breaths and said, “I love you” on a whim.

Her eyes lit up and her smile was wide.

They embraced . . .

Their fingers laced . . .

He presented her with a rose.


From that day on he promised that he would always be there,

That he would love her, protect her, and care.

But that was a lie, an easy and fabricated vow –

she should have seen it somehow.

But when it came to her he always turned away,

Their love was not real at the end of the day.

And no matter how hard she tried to keep him,

He would find a way to leave.


You can never trust a rose in a field of yellow lilies.

You can never trust love in a field of falsehood.

The author's comments:

You can never trust a rose in a field of yellow lilies.

You can never trust love in a field of falsehood.

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