Sorrow Lives Within | Teen Ink

Sorrow Lives Within

May 8, 2019
By smigr897 BRONZE, Monticello, Illinois
smigr897 BRONZE, Monticello, Illinois
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Part I

Today I'm gone

The next

Im here


Death WIsher



I need to pull back that arrow

Drawing a line of embargo

Around the deathening sorrow

That called me Death bringer

Tomorrow im measuring out the knife

Ready for whatever awaits


Old peacekeeper


Death Wisher


"Sorrow lives within"

Part II

I kindly drew back my arrow

Piercing the darkened sky

With the glare blushing back at me

Regretfully pulled my bone

Away from that deathening sorrow

That called me lively

I need the meaning of life  key

That I shouldve known

Deep deep down

Something sparks to life

A dark magic

Striking the love away

 That me, myself and I used to own

Slitting me with a piercing knife

Making me pick

One of the two to sway

My opinion

About the meaning of life

Today Im

Measuring out the Knife

To light

The world To aggravation

Bye Bye

Old Me


Death Wisher

The author's comments:

i like fantasy poems

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