Name Essay | Teen Ink

Name Essay

July 10, 2019
By SpongeBob21 BRONZE, West Bend, Wisconsin
SpongeBob21 BRONZE, West Bend, Wisconsin
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

My name, Connor, finds its origins in the green farmlands of Ireland long long ago. Translated to Irish, Connor is Conchobhar, a much longer and more stoic sounding name. It means lover of hounds—simple, but intriguing. Conchobhar was also the name of a legendary king in Irish mythology and was used to represent cold power and desire for unearned wealth in a time when names carried much more value. 

I am no mighty king, but I am a leader. Not because my name historically represents it. But I have grown to be a leader myself. 

Today, the name Connor has come to represent something new. Something much different from its historical meaning. It is no longer a gray, cold throne which one sits upon. It is something warmer, brighter. Like the start of a sunrise, bright and hopeful for a new day. To some, I am the light of their day. I give them a bright, motivating feeling of hope.

I feel that my name expresses respect, kindness, and selflessness. My name is a calm, quiet beach. The deep blue, foamy waves of the sea crashing against the warm white, shell ridden sand on the beach. Like this serene beach, I am a rather calm, collected person. Someone pleasant to be around. 

While I am not terribly attached to my name, I can’t think of any other name I would have. I believe that it suits me as well as any other name could. I instill warmth and hope, like a sunrise. I offer calming relief and amenities like the peaceful beach. Still, I think I prefer to not enjoy something so personal such as my name. My name is for others to enjoy. I let others walk on the beach. I let others watch the sunrise.

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