She thinks you're absolutely fabulous | Teen Ink

She thinks you're absolutely fabulous

July 24, 2019
By Lillylovez_ SILVER, Bethlehem, Pennsylvania
Lillylovez_ SILVER, Bethlehem, Pennsylvania
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Life is too deep for words, so don't try to describe it, just live it"

She thinks you’re absolutely fabulous because you know how to be kind to a woman even if her past isn’t your favorite thing to talk about 

She thinks you’re absolutely fabulous because you know how to treat a lady

She thinks you’re absolutely fabulous because you don’t judge a girl for how she looks

She thinks you’re absolutely fabulous because you are a man 

Nowadays girls can no longer be appreciated for their brain or their talents and how they use them. Girls are chased now for how short their skirt is and how see through their shirt is. Girls can no longer walk down the street alone at night and feel safe and if you can I am shocked with the brave you have embraced. The world we live in no longer provides safety to a women more than ever girls are getting attacked on their own streets, more than ever women are catcalled on the street for maybe their skirt being a little too short but when a girl walks out of their house in sweatpants and a t-shirt she is referred to as not being feminine enough. When women are harassed they can no longer fight back because they know what an angry man can do but when we fight back we either get the “it’s that time of the month again” mock or the “she has anger issues” but when we don’t fight back we are weak and useless and we are supposed to take the pain, cover it up with a little concealer and walk out the door like nothing happened and then walk in that night into your outstretched arms with bouldered fists at each end.

She thinks you’re absolutely fabulous because you don’t look for the color of any person’s skin to know they should be treated with respect

She thinks you’re absolutely fabulous because you look at the LGBTQ+ community and you see love and not hate.

She thinks you’re absolutely fabulous because you see a person with disabilities as a fighter not a victim

She thinks you’re absolutely fabulous because you are respectful. No matter how a person is presented you know they earned respect just as we did, for not yelling, for not fighting back, for helping the elderly women cross the street. Except we did it because it was right while other people stopped to press record or laugh as we get bruised eyes for standing for our rights and as they laugh to see an old woman get honked at by a car just trying to cross a road. You are respectful because you see the world as our home and not a trash can, thanks to the people to see it as a dump are killing our world slowly from climate to animals, and soon the human race. She thinks you’re respectful because you see wasting food as an awful thing because there are people who need food a lot more than us who keep filling our plump perfectly colored bodies that don’t indicate any traces of starvation, dehydration, or illness. 

She thinks you’re absolutely fabulous because you don’t see hoop earrings and see only something a black female would wear

She thinks you’re absolutely fabulous because when you see a woman wearing a hijab you see a woman who is strong about her culture, not a terrorist

She thinks you’re absolutely fabulous because  you don’t see a school uniform as a place for well privileged white kids but as a school for anyone and everyone 

She thinks you’re absolutely fabulous because you see every place a place for everyone to be themselves and not have to worry about hate, judgment, or criticism. 

The world we have is criticized by people who don’t want different who don’t want change. But the world is now falling apart because the world is now brought down to new standards and recently the new one is if you don’t have airpods your broke, if you don’t have the newest iPhone you’re broke, if you don’t have a Gucci belt your broke, if you don’t have the newest jordans you’re broke. But if I don’t have meals on my table what does that make me, normal? Why does owning these items determine how much money you have why do you have to be rich why can’t you be a well-supported family who still has meals on their table every night and clothes to wear to school but maybe they have holes at the edges from where your growing body is stretching the already loose threads. And then there is culture which has surrounded the idea that if you wear a hijab or a mustahab you must be a terrorist you know the person who opened fire on a crowd of over 22,000 people killing more than 50 and injuring more than 200 oh wait that was a white man who wasn’t Muslim, that was an attack planned by a U.S. citizen because their mental status is what determines who lives and who dies. The people that were born here are doing the damage going to schools they might have grown up in, they knew the ins and outs so they know how to find the slightly cracked door that’s connected to the school that no one’s ever in but you know it’s a white school. Those are the ones you hate right? The ones with the fancy plaid skirts and the knee-high socks those are for the ones who can afford it and if you're black you can’t go there because no black family has enough money to pay the full 2,000 dollar tuition. Wrong. 

She thinks you’re absolutely fabulous because you are kind, you are gentle, you are peaceful, you stand against discrimination, and you know how to act thank you for being absolutely fabulous.

The author's comments:

So originally this piece was created for a school assignment, where we drew a piece of paper out of a hat and this paper could have had one of two things on it an object or a quote. "She thinks you're absolutely fabulous" was written on mine. I could have gone anywhere with that quote but this is the direction I chose. It was crazy seeing my teacher crying after hearing my piece and my family in shock as well when I read it to them. I hope you enjoy this piece as much as I did writing it and my family, friends, and teachers listening to it.

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