The School Slag | Teen Ink

The School Slag

September 17, 2019
By Rarealbinoduck BRONZE, Highland Village, Texas
Rarealbinoduck BRONZE, Highland Village, Texas
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

A football player surrounded by friends

Laughter at the back of class

A broad man, a tall man, “The kind she likes”

He says

He knows of her ways

Acting like every time is her first

She rides more than a jockey

Or, that's what they say at least


A teacher surrounded by her desk

Whispers of gossip catching her ears

That boy, that boy, “She goes with them all”

She says

She knows of her ways

Acting like every guy deserves it

She has no self respect

Or, that's what they say at least


A girl surrounded by berratement and harassment

Everybody wants her and everybody hates her

A broken family, a loveless home, 

“It will make him happy, he told me so, I don’t want him to leave.” 

“I’ll make him happy”

She says

She only knows love by pains ways

Acting like neglect and abuse from men is love

Being used for pleasure is the only care she’s been given

But she’ll never say, at least

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