Ode to my Bolster | Teen Ink

Ode to my Bolster

November 22, 2019
By Everlytex SILVER, Singapore, Other
Everlytex SILVER, Singapore, Other
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

unborn baby

cushioned against pyjama

when the day rolls away

it rolls into my 

melting limbs. It presses

against me,

a child’s embrace.

When the blurry dark slips down my throat

and collects in my stomach,

red dolls’ cheeks against window

ghost hanging on blurry rack

when night metamorphosizes,

pregnant with blurry horrors

all in the mind assailed by night’s evil disposition,

it serenades me:

a mother’s lullaby. Tunes

running through tired veins,

melodies growing on 

my body. Its presence:

a lullaby. When I curve around it

I am invincible, a warrior with a humble sword

against the quiet battlefield of the night.

My leg

over its wrinkled cloth;

it wraps its reassuring glow

around a fatigued frantic mind.

As my legs slip through

the rabbit’s hole and it 



closes up;

a backward glance

shows me a round, round, round

long, long, long


It sends me into 

a concerto of steady sleep.

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