School: | Teen Ink


May 13, 2009
By awesometasticalfiedness BRONZE, Bowling Green, Kentucky
awesometasticalfiedness BRONZE, Bowling Green, Kentucky
1 article 0 photos 2 comments

School is a pain
School is a bore
With my mom
I’d rather go to the store
Homework is boring
Who cares what I’m scoring
CATs test here
CATs test there
I want to throw it in the air
Classes on different sides
Why can’t they all be together?
In the hallway people collide
They ask, “What’s up with the weather?”
I meet my friend
We round the bend
Out to the bus
Without any fuss

The author's comments:
It didn't take very long just 5 minutes maybe but i hope you like it. d:) My teacher had us do a peom for a book that she makes each year with a piece of poetry from everyone. I had fun with it.

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