Nightmares | Teen Ink


January 9, 2020
By frescor23 BRONZE, West Chester, Pennsylvania
frescor23 BRONZE, West Chester, Pennsylvania
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I am shivering even with a coat

Rubbing and rubbing my hands

There is nothing but water and a small boat

Standing on the everlasting sand. 

I’ve been here for days, maybe even weeks

I fend for my food, enough for a living

I have seen one man, but money is all he seeks

I want someone else a bit  more giving.

Where is the rain and thunder and snow

There is nothing here but trees and trees

All I want is to be able to go

Where there is opertunity to give me ease.

My body is aching from all of this heat

The pounding like a heartbeat in my head

I am sweating perfuesley from my hair to my feet

And then with a crash, I wake up in bed.

The author's comments:

I am a student in Highschool and I like to play soccer and basketball as well as hang out with friends.

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