lung cancer | Teen Ink

lung cancer

March 10, 2009
By poetrywriterz PLATINUM, South Grafton, Massachusetts
poetrywriterz PLATINUM, South Grafton, Massachusetts
20 articles 0 photos 2 comments

The most common cause of
Lung cancer.

Losing your breath,
Now you know it’s coming,
And there’s no cure.

You know it’s not just a cold,
Because there’s no sneezing.

Your voice is raspy,
You’re losing weight,

Now you’re gasping
For air,
There’s not enough there.
You try to inhale ,
But you fail,

On your death bed,
Remembering what
Your momma always said.

She was right,
Now you struggle and fight,
For life, it’s too late.
There goes your heart rate.

The symptoms should’ve been a sign,
Flat line…

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