Ode to my mother | Teen Ink

Ode to my mother

November 23, 2020
By zach02022 BRONZE, Oswego, Illinois
zach02022 BRONZE, Oswego, Illinois
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

You had your happily ever after already planned 

Two kids and a loving husband 

A safe income to retire off of

The only thing that could have gone wrong did

You lost your balance 

But it didn't break you 

A newly widowed mother with two young kids to take care of

There weren't many people that could help you 

But you never gave up

For the last 14 years, you're the only parent I could ever wish for

You have always given us the best life you could 

Whenever I picture you its always a stretched grin across your face

Always so happy and joyful 

You manage to find light in every dark situation

I never understood how you did it

You always keep me motivated to be great because you always have faith in me 

Our happiness was always your top priority 

We never asked for much but when we did you tried your best to get it 

Just thanking you is an understatement larger than the Burj khalifa

I Just hope you really know how much I appreciate you 

I don't know where I would be if you weren't for my mother 

The author's comments:

I spoke from the heart to express how i feel about my mothers presence in my life 

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