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March 15, 2021
By hsolliday SILVER, Pewaukee, Wisconsin
hsolliday SILVER, Pewaukee, Wisconsin
7 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I am the sun in the sky 

I am the waves on the beach 

I am the soft wind in the air 

I am the first breath of life 

I am the confident chest puffing out 

I am the weakness hidden by a face

You are the stars in the night sky

You are the sand on the beach 

You are the leaf flowing through the air

You are the last breath of death 

You are the nervous heart beating fast 

You are real strength hidden by a place

We are the happiness in every laugh

We are the sadness in every tear 

We are the new feeling of love 

We are the old feeling of loss 

Without you, I am nothing 

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