So Far Away | Teen Ink

So Far Away

May 26, 2009
By Carissamariew PLATINUM, Cape Coral, Florida
Carissamariew PLATINUM, Cape Coral, Florida
20 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Have you ever loved someone far away?
Or experienced one of those days
Where you feel like you're almost blinded
From everything but your reminded

If you drive one thousand miles,
Waste a twenty-four hour day,
If you fill 13 tanks of gas
You can make it just the same,
Theres a lake or two if you can swim,
Or if you've got money you can fly to him

Those postcards only have so much space
And theres only so many hours in a day
Words cant express what I want to say
I wish you werent so far away.

The author's comments:
For the one who managed to steal my heart - even from one thousand miles away.


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