The Road of the Dead | Teen Ink

The Road of the Dead

May 27, 2009
By Undead21 GOLD, New Britain, Connecticut
Undead21 GOLD, New Britain, Connecticut
16 articles 0 photos 1 comment

This road is dark.
This road is scary.
The way of this road is a hard road to get.
Not just anyone could walk through it.
They must pass a test.
The test will tell you which way you leave.
You must choose the other or yourself.
You choose who dies.
If you choose to let the other die.
Then you walk staight into hell.
If you choose to die.
Then you walk staight to heaven.
If you choose neither.
You both walk out alive.
But if you don’t choose any one of you at all,
Then you both die and go to heaven or hell.
So choose wisely.

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