My Name | Teen Ink

My Name

October 15, 2021
By BananaMan1231234 BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
BananaMan1231234 BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I don’t have a lot of thoughts about my name. 

Some people have cool names. A unique name that sticks. A unique name that people just hear and assume that person is cool. But I don’t think my name is that type of name. 

My name is just an empty parking lot of a place that’s closed. Nothing good happening, but also nothing bad happening either. Completely abandoned. but with a calming air of loneliness. A place where you can get lost looking up at the stars. The sound of bugs chirping, hidden in the night.

If someone were to hear my name they wouldn’t think anything of it. They might not even remember my name a minute after they hear it. Like a toy store after Christmas. Or like the empty gray surface of the moon. There’s nothing going on with my name.


The origins of my name are just as bland as the name itself. The only requirement being that I have the same initials as my dad. When it came down to the specifics it was either Evan or Elliot. Elliot is the name my parents decided.

The only thing interesting about my name is the entirety of it. Elliot Samuel Preston. It sounds like the name of someone important. like the president, as my mom always says. However, I don’t think that name fits me. It's the name of a leader. A role that I’m not keen on filling. I’d rather focus on my own problems than worry about someone else’s.


I wish I had a different name. A name that could get people's heads to turn just by hearing it. Forcing them to listen just by the sound of it. Like a packed parking lot. A place where everyone would want to be. Like a popular concert. People waiting hours to get inside just for some mediocre seats.

Although—a name that brings so much attention has its problems. I’d much rather take the calming solitude of an empty parking lot. I guess my name is good for avoiding attention. The name Elliot slips under the radar. Nobody really pays attention to it, unlike other names.

The name Elliot is only six letters. Six letters to describe someone is the same as bringing swim goggles to explore the vast ocean. Surfacing, gasping for air without witnessing it’s true depth. 

My name isn’t very interesting, but it doesn't have to be. My name doesn’t fit me into a role, nor does it predict my future. The only things that shape me are the choices I make and how I live my life to become the person I want to be

The author's comments:

I haven't really written anything in a while because I don't really like writing, but it was fun to write this.

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