My Name | Teen Ink

My Name

October 18, 2021
By hsolliday SILVER, Pewaukee, Wisconsin
hsolliday SILVER, Pewaukee, Wisconsin
7 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Standing tall like a monument above others, as I inspire to lead them. A colossal rock with smooth soft edges, unmovable for years. People look to Harrison when they need someone to follow. People see that I can provide balance and structure evolved through time. Harrison, that’s my name. 

In every language my name means something new. In German my name means “the head of the house.” In old English my name means “a military leader.” In Hebrew my name means “golden strength.” My name makes people feel as if I am someone to look up to. Then who do I look up to? Harrison, that’s my name 

But today, I am no leader—and the only person who listens to me is me. 

My mom. A leader, one that I’d follow. A strong woman taking charge of anything she does. She is the most intelligent and powerful person I know. Maybe she wanted me to be just like her and that's how I got my name. Harrison, that’s my name.

Maybe I am still too young or immature, but one day I might lead. One day maybe I will live up to everything people expect when they hear my name. But Today I'd rather keep to myself and do what I do best, my own thing. Harrison, that’s my name. 

My name is my goal. I know one day I will be that person—but today I'm not. so I’ll make my own name. A name that people think of ME when they say it. A temporary name for people to call me; Harry. Harrison, that’s my name.

Harry is laid back and laughs, like a little kid with not a single worry in the world. Harry is not a leader, he just goes with the flow. As if he’s a subtle wave in the ocean. Harry is relaxed and relatable. But Harry isn't my true name. 

My true name is still out of reach. A mountain peak when I’m at the summit. One day I'll be my name, because Harry looks up to Harrison. Harry wants to be just like Harrison Harrison, that's my name. 

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