To teleftaío átomo -The last breath | Teen Ink

To teleftaío átomo -The last breath

December 30, 2021
By Malaikakhan1_ BRONZE, Allentown, Pennsylvania
Malaikakhan1_ BRONZE, Allentown, Pennsylvania
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

To teleftaío átomo
The last breath                                                                               
the last hour
the last human
the last finger
the last life
the last planet
I can take your breath away, hoping that you'll stay
I'm the last human, I can't look away
Looking at the stars wondering if the last planet is safe
The last hour is almost here, the last life is going to disappear
The last finger is falling apart, I look into my hand as blood gushes out
 Thanatos appears, my pain disappears I see myself flying around
Then sucked underground my body falls apart
The last sigh, the last blink, the last breath
The last time I look at the sky, so blue and so bright
I see the clouds forming one more time
I hit the ground and feel my eyes shut
I'm finally free from the last life I can go on and watch from a high

The author's comments:

I love greek mythology, so this is a piece of poetry I made inspired by it.

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