Let me in? Why not. | Teen Ink

Let me in? Why not.

May 30, 2009
By SweetxTears SILVER, Buffalo, New York
SweetxTears SILVER, Buffalo, New York
5 articles 0 photos 1 comment

i always say my prayers.
i always try to do whats right.
So can someone please tell me.
why I'm damned to eternal night.

i saw the gleaming gates.
i tried the open the door.
but when i begged to enter.
the angels said theres heaven anymore.

theres no place for humans to run.
no place for us to be free.
beacuse every land we tread.
we destroy it with such glee.

contaminated by evil.
the deadly sins they love.
no caring humans.
just me, you and us.

so there i cried
at the gates of hell.
because my the things i praised.
have been ruined as well.

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